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Article code MADMACS 200-PHT
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The MADMACS 200mm - 8" is a sinking super high speed trolling minnow capable of being trolled at speeds of up to 20kn when rigged correctly. Read more
Madmacs 200 Sinking High Speed - 8" Lure
The MADMACS 200mm - 8" is a sinking super high speed trolling minnow capable of being trolled at speeds of up to 20kn when rigged correctly.
Article code MADMACS240-BPM
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The MADMACS 240mm - 10" is a sinking super high speed trolling minnow capable of being trolled at speeds of up to 15kn when rigged correctly. Read more
Madmacs 240 Sinking High Speed - 10" Lure
The MADMACS 240mm - 10" is a sinking super high speed trolling minnow capable of being trolled at speeds of up to 15kn when rigged correctly.
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The ultimate offshore trolling bait. Super High Speed Trolling from 5kn - 20kn troll speed with no weight. Features Pat. Pending Autotune System, full internal Metal Matrix Plate System Read more
Madmacs 160 Sinking High Speed - 6" Lure
The ultimate offshore trolling bait. Super High Speed Trolling from 5kn - 20kn troll speed with no weight. Features Pat. Pending Autotune System, full internal Metal Matrix Plate System
Article code MADSCAD150-FRH
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An amazing casting and trolling bait. Cast it at Tuna, Striped Bass, Grouper or Yellowtail all day. Slow trolled at even 2mph behind a kayak or at up to 6-8kn for kingfish and yellowtail. Read more
Madscad 150 Sinking - 6" Lure
An amazing casting and trolling bait. Cast it at Tuna, Striped Bass, Grouper or Yellowtail all day. Slow trolled at even 2mph behind a kayak or at up to 6-8kn for kingfish and yellowtail.
Article code MADSCA95-GGB
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The Madscad 95 is a sinking stickbait that can be worked slow or fast with long or short twitches of the rod tip. A stop start retrieve creates an erratic swimming  action that fish simply cannot resist. Read more
Madscad 95 Sinking - 3.75" Lure
The Madscad 95 is a sinking stickbait that can be worked slow or fast with long or short twitches of the rod tip. A stop start retrieve creates an erratic swimming  action that fish simply cannot resist.
Article code DTX220-S-HPG
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The DTX 220 LRS has been built to withstand the toughest predators in the Ocean, and is ideal for Wahoo, Tuna, Mahi Mahi, Marlin, Mackerel and any other predatory pelagic fish. Read more
DTX Minnow LRS Sinking 220 - 9"
The DTX 220 LRS has been built to withstand the toughest predators in the Ocean, and is ideal for Wahoo, Tuna, Mahi Mahi, Marlin, Mackerel and any other predatory pelagic fish.
Article code DTX200-S-HPG
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DTX Minnow 8" -  Dives to 40ft at up to 12kn troll speed and Guaranteed to swim straight thanks to the Patent Pending Autotune system. Super Strong Full wire Construction.  Read more
DTX Minnow Sinking 200 - 8" Lure
DTX Minnow 8" -  Dives to 40ft at up to 12kn troll speed and Guaranteed to swim straight thanks to the Patent Pending Autotune system. Super Strong Full wire Construction. 
Article code BUFF-230-MAHI
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It is designed to flutter and flash on the drop to mimic a wounded baitfish. Ideal for big tuna and all pelagics Read more
The Buffalo 230g - 8oz Jig
It is designed to flutter and flash on the drop to mimic a wounded baitfish. Ideal for big tuna and all pelagics
Article code BUFF-120-CRT
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It is designed to flutter and flash on the drop to mimic a wounded baitfish. Ideal for big tuna and all pelagics Read more
The Buffalo 120g - 4oz Jig
It is designed to flutter and flash on the drop to mimic a wounded baitfish. Ideal for big tuna and all pelagics
Article code ASSIST-7-0
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Jigging Assist Hook packets feature 3 hooks per packet for all sizes. Super Strong BKK hooks fitted to durable dyneema cord. Read more
Jigging Assist Hook Packs
Jigging Assist Hook packets feature 3 hooks per packet for all sizes. Super Strong BKK hooks fitted to durable dyneema cord.
Article code BUFF-180-SAR
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It is designed to flutter and flash on the drop to mimic a wounded baitfish. Ideal for big tuna and all pelagics Read more
The Buffalo 180g - 6.25oz Jig
It is designed to flutter and flash on the drop to mimic a wounded baitfish. Ideal for big tuna and all pelagics